Food & Health

As delicious, and well-seasoned foods that Black people eat are, we also have to acknowledge how Black people's health is in danger. From Environmental Racism to Racism within the health care system, not only are we getting killed due to police brutality, capitalism, but we are at higher risk for chronic diseases and illnesses. Our pain is often overlooked when we report it to doctors, or doctors and treatments are not accessible to a vast majority of Black people, especially those living in low-income communities. Therefore we have to take it upon ourselves to take better care of ourselves, whether that's by eating healthy, avoiding unhealthy eating habits, exercising, or just calling out the medical system until our pain and concerns are heard. By no means am I a medical professional, but here are some tips on how to take charge of your physical health:

  • Hydration is key. Replace your pop and sugar juices with H2O

  • Fry less, bake more

  • Incorporate at least one vegetable into each meal

  • Less processed food, more greens

  • Replace candy with fruit

  • Limit alcohol intake

  • Taking your prescribed medication

  • 30 minutes of physical activity a day

  • Seek medical advice from your, or multiple physicians or health care provides

Please just be conscious and try not to ignore your body when it's telling you it doesn't feel good. Your health matters. Now let's dive into a bit of history on Black/African foods.

Soul food originates mostly from Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama, also known as the Deep South. During the Transatlantic Slave Trade, enslaved African people were given meager food rations that were low in quality and nutritional value. With these rations, enslaved people preserved African food traditions and adapted traditional recipes with the resources available. Over time, these recipes and techniques have become the soul food dishes we are familiar with today. This food genre, now associated with comfort and decadence, was born out of struggle and survival. Soul food includes:

  • Rice

  • Greens

  • Cornbread

  • Fried Chicken

  • Candied Yams

With many more dishes, and it all varies based on one's liking. If you are on Tik Tok or anywhere on the internet really, you would've seen that a lot of people were trying fufu also known as pounded yam, which is a type of African food. A lot of our favorite fruits and foods do originate from Africa, which hopefully you already knew. But let's talk about a few of the amazing African foods out there before anyone goes and makes fun of someone's food. Some popular African foods are:

  • Shiro

  • Taktouka

  • Jollof Rice

  • Efo-Riro

  • Waakye

As time evolved, and as cultures mixed a lot of these foods have changed, but they are still being passed down from generation to generation. If you want to try some of these foods, and just support Black-Owned Businesses, and cooks, you can find some Worcester/Boston-based Restaurants here. If you are a white person currently reading this, I challenge you to research and cook a Black Cuisine, well seasoned of course. No shade.